Children & Families First is one of Delaware's longest standing and most trusted non-profit leaders in providing the supports and services children and their families need to thrive. Using the collective strength of our varied professional backgrounds, we are a dynamic collaborative of caring individuals who stand together driving positive change in our community by,
Understanding brain science research that affirms responsive, nurturing caregiving is a key component to healthy childhood development and life-long potential.
Investing in proven strategies that put the needs of the families we serve first, empowering parents and caregivers with resources, supports, and opportunities.
Fulfilling our shared responsibility to respect families, bolster their strengths, and advance the well-being of children, so that they and our whole community thrives.
In 1884, concerned members of our community came together to help meet the needs of their neighbors struggling with the lasting impacts of the Panic of 1873 economic crisis. Thus began a legacy of caring individuals, working together and dedicated to improving the lives of children and families.
Through various mergers and expansions, Children & Families First has become a statewide organization, engaging more than 25,000 children and families each year and offering more than 25 programs, serving every phase of child development and family life.
As we look to the future, we acknowledge that the work we do today is not the same as it was in 1884. Meeting the present day needs of children and families requires listening to the authentic voices of those we serve; responding with respect and compassion; and acting with integrity to adapt, innovate, and continuously improve our practices.