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It only takes one person or one family to change a child's life forever.  Is that you?

Adoption is making a lifetime commitment to a child, and each year, there are more and more kids in foster care waiting for a forever family than there are families or individuals willing to adopt them. It's a big step, but you won't go through it alone. CFF staff can support you and answer your questions every step of the way.

Children & Families First can also provide assistance with and information about:

  • Your options if you are pregnant, including the option to make an adoption plan.  Click here for more information on Choosing Adoption.

  • Second parent adoptions (completion of the Social Investigation and Report required by Family Court for stepparents and relatives to adopt children).

  • Post-adoption services (support services provided to all families in Delaware who have adopted or obtained permanent guardianship)

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¿Quieres más información? ¡Complete nuestro formulario de contacto y un especialista en adopción responderá todas sus preguntas!


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Llame al 800-220-3092 o

302-658-5177 para hablar con un especialista en adopción.


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Las sesiones de información sobre adopción y cuidado de crianza se llevan a cabo el tercer miércoles de cada mes, puntualmente a las 6:00 p.m. Actualmente, las sesiones se ofrecen mediante teleconferencia. Número de conferencia telefónica: 712-451-0011 Número de acceso: 744567

Fechas de las sesiones de 2020: 18 de noviembre y 16 de diciembre.

Adoptive Parents Are Expected To:

  • Protect and nurture children

  • Meet the developmental needs of children

  • Support relationships between children and their birth families

  • Participate as essential and effective members of a professional team

  • Make a lifetime commitment to a child

Available Services:

  • Counseling and support services throughout the process: from family assessment (home study) to a child joining your family until the adoption is finalized.  Finalization is usually completed after the child has been with your family for a minimum of six months. Delaware children who have been in the foster care system receive Medicaid benefits until age 18, even after they are adopted; this covers health benefits and the cost of counseling. Some children with specialized needs may receive an additional subsidy until age 18.  

  • Post-adoption Services: CFF offers free post-adoption services to any adoptive family living in the First State. The supports are also available to parents who have been granted Permanent Guardianship of children who experienced foster care in Delaware. Every family, regardless of their situation, may need support. You are the expert in your family’s needs, so reach out to learn more about services that may be able to help you and your loved ones. Services include individualized family support, support groups, training sessions, parent coaching, family counseling, crisis management, post-adoption therapy, services to support birth family connections and more. 

Adoption Information and Resources:

Every child deserves a champion.

Will it be you?


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