Children & Families First is committed to ensuring that the rights and dignity of clients are respected throughout the organization. Below please find important information on your rights and responsibilities as a client of CFF, as well as information on what to do if you’d like to make a complaint or file a grievance. We have also included our policy on providing services to non-English speakers.
En Español:
Procedimientos para servicios prestadoes a personas, que no hablan inglés
Información sobre los Derechos, Responsabilidades y Confidencialidad del Cliente (folleto)
CONNECT is Children & Families First's Client Portal. CONNECT is a website that makes it easy for you to manage tasks such as complete and sign forms or consents from your phone or personal computer; view some of the plans or assessments that your case worker has completed for you; even receive direct messages from your case worker to your email or cell phone.
If your case worker has informed you that you will be using the Connect client portal to complete forms and sign consents, please use the link and guide below to help you access your account.
Please Note: Your case worker must enable an account for you before you are able to log in for the first time. If you are unsure if an account has been enabled, please reach out to your case worker.
Programs Utilizing Connect:
Behavioral Health Consultant Program
Functional Family Therapy
Healthy Families Delaware
Nurse Family Partnership
Parenting Enrichment (Strengthening Families , Nurturing Parenting, & Executive Functioning Booster)
Already registered and want to access the portal? Click the link below: