What is Functional Family Therapy Therapeutic Case Management (FFT-TCM)?
An evidence-based treatment model for youth, from birth through age 18, and their families who are struggling with behavioral problems and family conflict.
Structured intervention consisting of three distinct phases:
Phase One: building relationships with the family and identifying immediate case management needs
Phase Two: teaching, supporting, and coaching families on skills designed to increase family functioning and ability to meet practical needs
Phase Three: transitioning the family towards independence with both family skills and practical needs to increase confidence of success after discharge

FFT-TCM is a community based service to help:
Families with significant parent/child conflict, including youth in long term foster care
Youth with school related problems: at risk for disciplinary problems, truancy, and/or dropping out
Youth involved with the justice system
FFT-TCM combines a multi-disciplinary approach, including family therapy and supportive case management.
This approach:
Assists families in meeting basic needs
Assists family in handling current problems, increasing consistency, and being able to adapt to handling new problems
Offers ongoing coaching and support so that families can integrate new skills into all areas of their lives and successfully maintain change over time
Provides services statewide
Is free for participants
For more information, please contact us:
Referrals are accepted from schools, as well as community service providers,
the courts, state agencies, and even families themselves.
Project Delaware was awarded to the Delaware Department of Education in collaboration with the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families in 2018. Project Delaware is funded through the US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.