Life is hard. Feelings, circumstances, and relationships are so confusing sometimes that it hurts.
Children & Families First offers school-based and community mental health services for youth, ages 10 to 18, and their families.
Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) Program
The BHC program provides free mental health access to students and their families in 30 public and charter middle schools throughout the state of Delaware. By providing short term and supportive counseling to students and families, BHCs are encouraged to work as a member of the school’s team, providing mental health consultation to teachers and administrators working with students with mental health difficulties.
Functional Family Therapy
For some families, the teen years bring a tough set of challenges, like serious school problems , truancy, and even interactions with the criminal justice system. Trained therapists and case managers work with teens and their families to address these issues and improve their relationships.
Seaford House Therapeutic Residence
Seaford House a therapeutic group home serving youth, between 11 and 17 years of age, who have not been able to remain in their family homes, foster homes, traditional group homes, or who have been placed out of state. The goal of Seaford House is to help youth become resilient and self-sufficient young adults.